Be able to use a fundamental understanding of chess tactics and combinations to sky-rocket your results and rating
Be able to make use of the important tactical motifs like Fork, Deflection, Decoy, Pins, Discovered Checks, and many more etc
Be able to use chess combinations to often win by force from positions where no issues visually seem present
Be able to use inspirational calculation aids such as “The power of the pinned piece is illusionary” and “Combine and win”
Be able to appreciate the examples of combinations from the World chess champions
Be able to exploit your passed pawn potential through tactical means
Be able to exploit King safety issues of the opponent
Be able to understand the Fundamentals of Chess Tactics – Forcing moves, checks, captures, threats of mate and limiting opponent options in general
Be able to maximise the differential imposed between strengths of your position and opponent weaknesses
Be able to detect if combinations exist using various approaches of detection and examples
Be able to play with very high accuracy sharp combinations
Be able to practice with multiple examples all key tactical instruments which are part of combinations
Be able to make sure opportunities are not missed in Calculation using the Weakness of the last move, Common squares, and “In-Effect”
Be able to get a feel for downsides of opponents position which could imply a combination exists
Be able to know the philosophies of great tactical examples explained in depth and re-use them in your own games
Be able to understand the importance of the prioritisation of forcing moves when calculating to limit the opponent’s replies
Be able to exploit the default downside often of the Weak Back Rank
Be able to exploit loose piece liabilities of the opponent
Be able to detect tactical issues and “celebrate” them using the concept word of “down-sides” throughout the examples
Be able to match appropriate combinations with the downsides of the opponents position
Be able to play brilliant and beautiful chess combinations – but be warned you may lose sleep over them
Be able to finish off opponents quickly and get a new game in the all-you-can eat online tournaments
Be able to recognise all the key mating patterns that have been established through Chess History
About Course
Tactical Patterns (alphabetically)
These tactical patterns are very useful to practice and help internalise.
Absolute Pin
Advanced Pawn
Annihilation of Defence
Alekhine’s Gun
Blockading defensive resources
Capture the Defender
Checks – gaining key tempo e.g. winning material via checks
Combine and Win tactics
Connected passed pawns
Counterplay management move
Counter Threat
Demolition of Pawns around opponent’s king
Demolition of Pawn Structure
Discovered Attack
Double Attack
Double Check
Draw Tactics
Endgame Tactics
Exchange sacrifice
f2 (or f7) weakness
Forcing Moves
Goal Hanging Tactics e.g. N on f5 (also see Thorn pawn)
Greek Gift Sacrifice
Indirect Defense
Intermediate move (synonym: Zuichenzug)
King Aggression in Endgames
King Chase
Liberational tactics
Overload the defender
Weakness of last move
Passed pawn creation
Pawn Tactics
Pawn Breakthrough
Perpetual Attack
Perpetual Check
Pins – Absolute
Pins – Relative
Pins – Celebration
Positional Tactic
Prophylaxis move
Removing King Escape Squares
Rook lift
Sacrifice (Positional)
Sacrifice (calculated)
Queen and Bishop Battery
Quiet but killer move (greatly used in Alekhine combinations)
Relative Pin
Remove the Defender
Situational Pin
Soft spot sacrifice
Strategic Crush tactic – e.g. locking in bishop, good knight
Stalemate Tactics
Tempo Tactics
Thorn Pawns
Threat making
Trapped Piece
Two Rooks Battery
Two Rooks on 7th Rank
Weak Back-Rank
Weakness of last move
X-Ray Attack
X-Ray Defense
Mating Patterns (alphabetically)
These mating patterns are useful to practice and help internalise.
Anastasia’s mate
Anderssen’s mate
Arabian mate
Back-rank mate
Bishop and knight mate
Blackburne’s mate
Blind swine mate
Boden’s mate
Box mate (Rook mate)
Combine and Win Mate
Corner mate
Cozio’s mate
Damiano’s bishop mate
Damiano’s mate
David and Goliath mate
Double bishop mate
Dovetail mate
Epaulette mate
Fool’s mate
Greco’s mate
Hook mate
Kill Box mate
King and two bishops mate
King and two knights mate
Ladder checkmate
Légal mate
Lolli’s mate
Max Lange’s mate
Mayet’s mate
Morphy’s mate
Opera mate
Pillsbury’s mate
Queen mate
Réti’s mate
Smothered mate
Support mate
Suffocation mate
Swallow’s tail mate
FIDE CM Kingscrusher has one goal of the course. And that is to make you a much stronger tactician than ever before in your life. You should be in a much better position by training with this course to create beautiful chess combinations on the chessboard which feature a wide range of patterns and demonstrate amazing calculation ability. In short, the goal of the course is to make you a very strong chess tactician and help you enjoy your chess to the absolute maximum.
This course has a structure which is essentially is “process” and “patterns”.
PROCESS: The Art of Chess Calculation
The “process” aspect is the art of chess calculation. Even if you didn’t know a single tactical pattern by name, you could still play amazing tactics just with great calculation which the course gives you a solid foundation in. Yes, even if you didn’t know your forks from your pins, the “Process” part of the course as in the art of calculation would still enable you to play great chess combinations using an entire orchestra of tactical patterns without even knowing their names.
But training yourself on patterns will enhance your art of calculation and you will be able to name the key tactical patterns which are important for searching them out to practice and discuss with others as well as prompt during your calculations.
“Process” is like the software of your chess mind. “Patterns” are like the Content for that software. You need both the software and the content to be really effective as a tactician!.
Patterns help feed the process of calculation. Your goal often is to create a maximum differential between the strengths of your position which can be realised from very strong calculation skills and the downsides of the opponent’s position which often requires a trained intuition and eye for potential downsides to ensure you are even aware combinational solutions might exist.
PATTERNS: Tactical Patterns, Mating Patterns, Weakness of Position patterns.
The “patterns” aspect is divided into three key “pattern” areas:
Bold ones below represent really key and frequent visitors to most people’s games
This Course is For:
Chess beginner and intermediate players will get massive results improvement from this course
Even more experienced players who want to sharpen their tactics. Every chess player can improve their tactical skills.